International Surrogacy

For Everyone

Do you want your new child to get the priviledge to be a dual citizen? The best way to do this is via international surrogacy, a highly sought after & praised way of giving more opportunity to your new bundle of joy.

Choosing an international surrogate will most of the time let your child have both citizenship of the surrogate mother as well as the sperm donor OR the couple adopting the child. This will mean that your new baby will have higher opportunities in life to move to wherever they want.

This can be especially beneficial for those looking to move to a new country to take care of their baby, which is why many people do Surrogacy in the UK or US, as it let’s you stay in the country depending on the circumstances.

Your embryos can be
carried by a surrogate


What are the available surrogacy options for

Heterosexual Couples?

We deliver high success rates & compassion throughout every intended parent’s experience. Gaia Fertility is a family-centered initiative located in Cyprus.

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